Saturday, July 28, 2007

SE: I will probably obsess about my dreams a lot.

I taught roller-skating at a community center in a bad neighborhood, but all of my students were middle-aged white women who objected to learning.

They were either unwilling or afraid to put on the skates, so we dry-skated up and down a handicapped ramp in our socks, and I gave out the book I authored, "Skate or Die."

Afterwards, I stood by the elevator and listened as everyone complained in small groups as they walked out.

Possible sources: Age of Love (that roller-skating outing with the cougars), my discussion with Kathy on Friday about whether or not she should use the word "learn" in her article.

Possible meanings: I should write a book that will make middle-aged women hate me.


Megan said...

This is my first blog. For real. I don't really get how it works. I should have lived in the 1800s, or during Little House on the Prairie times, or maybe those are the same history, geography, and math skills are all subpar.

I am very, very afraid of becoming a middle-aged white woman who is opposed to learning. Maybe your dream is a premonition.

Maybe if I had more history, geography, and math skills I would fear the learning opposition less. Or maybe having those skills would eventually make me even more opposed.

I will probably obsess about the following question, for now: how does anyone on this earth ever know what to do? I will probably also obsess about Iowa.

Kathryn said...

Also reticent of the swimming lessons story in No One Belongs Here More Than You. Even your dreams are obsessed with Miranda July.

Anonymous said...

I'm so transparent.