Monday, March 22, 2010

lightening things up


Kathryn said...

omg this thrilling. thank you sarah. i will be watching this trailer from now on to replace the evgeni plushenko skating routine. also,jemaine clement is my celebrity husband.

Kathryn said...

will & grace! that's where that kid is from. i just watched this 3 times. can we write a venom literati letter to this movie?

Anonymous said...

did you know that kid used to date kristen stewart, aka bella from twilight? until edward stole her heart away...

dear gentlemen broncos,

we have all given ourselves appropriate sci fi names in honor of ronald chevalier. they are:

. said...

inappropriate audiences

Kathryn said...

kateranous! and we are the venom litarodius!


"i'm completely distressed, i can't even concentrate on my audio book narration."

Megan said...


also: My friend Mr. Beeks would like to star as the deer in the stage version of Gentlemen Broncos. He is very qualified: he likes to quote plotlines of fantasy novels while drinking, and has already jammed laser pointers into his eye-sockets in preparation for audition.

Anonymous said...


i broke the rules a little. we should start painting our own book covers. or possibly sculpting them.