Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Upsetting things

1. I finally got my tax returns for the last two years, and it turns out I'll be getting back way less than I thought. I have concluded that my tax dude is wrong. I am getting a second opinion.

2. Ollie effing loves sleeping on my beautiful white loveseat, which is now my beautiful gray loveseat. I must vacuum it every day.

3. It is going to get cold tomorrow.

4. I'm pretty sure Tyra had a nosejob. Not me, the real one.

5. All of my new local news anchors are unattractive in serious and frightening ways.

6. I have not been paid for any freelance work in the last three months. Not for lack of doing it.

7. I just ran out of books to read.


potato said...

The good news: sweater vests. I have been waiting to wear mine for over a week. I got them in the little boys' section at Target for $8. I will be the most stylish little boy at my work. Are there Targets there? If there's a Target, you will be OK.

Kathryn said...

yes i have gone to target everyday for the last 14 days to combat my growing despair. i am thinking about moving to the south loop to be closer to it.

Anonymous said...

It turned out I was just getting the flu. It would be a bad idea for me to go to Target with the flu. I am going back to bed.