Like you, I have spent many sleepless nights wondering how to unlock my potential. I instantly fell asleep after reading this, so at peace was I. My new excuse: It isn’t me; it is my beer that hasn’t been ambitious enough.
Find out how the stars say you should drink.
blurb stylin'
oktoberfest offers me nothing.
Is that your cute new hair? Look how cute it is!
Killian's? Wtf? That is so lame and boring. Capricorns are always characterized as the most high-strung and boring zodiac sign. I hate that. I think also that it shaped my personality for many years, back when I used to work really hard at everything.
I'm a closet Capricorn too. For years, I've been living a lie as a Gemini.
tyra what? i sent you this exact picture from your phone to my phone. did it never go to your phone? whose phone did it go to? the reason for the existence of this picture was for your phone. what?
I never got it! My phone rejected your phone! I am totally po'ed right now.
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