Thursday, July 24, 2008

armpit cocoon

I just discovered while sitting here having a headache and a stomachache in unison that I am pretty sure I haven't shaved my armpits since Sarah left. This is some kind of protective subconscious action--subconsciously I believe that if the hair grows long enough it will wrap me up in a safe and furry cocoon and that I can just live in there protected for the rest of my life.

Speaking of cocoons, the librarian at the college where I teach, who is always bringing in animals in tiny enclosed containers, brought in some caterpillars the other day who are now cocooning. Before the caterpillars in this same container there lived a betta who I'm pretty sure lived on tap water and flakes of pastry, which came from one of the other teachers who brings in leftover pastries from his church in a brown paper bag which the librarian then gives away to all of the other charity case teachers like myself. The brown paper bag has greasy stains on it and I always eat the pound cake, even though it is questionable for many reasons, including the fact that it is lemon with chocolate frosting, which is just weird.


Anonymous said...

1) i love lemon with chocolate frosting.

2) that looks like a kneepit.

3) i will not. become the librarian.

Kathryn said...

oh man now there's an armpit there.

potato said...

Is that an armpit of someone at Blottopia? I'm just glad the librarian doesn't bring in snakes. A friend of mine had a snake in college, and her bathtub looked like a murder scene. Or, I guess it was a murder scene.

Anonymous said...

Do you think that spam comment is there because of my beautiful loveseat?

matthew savoca said...

hey at least somebody besides you guys is commenting on your blog

Anonymous said...

Haha. I just googled beautiful loveseat, and we're number four.

potato said...

If you google "Lindsay Lohan totally dreamy," we're number one.

Kathryn said...

matthew is dissin us

potato said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
potato said...

He's probably just jealous of the mysterious armpit. I'm jealous of it.

. said...

the asian sarah eaton