Monday, July 7, 2008

Modified hotel woman am i

I think the efficiency in which I am currently living used to be a hotel. There are burners, but no oven. The refrigerator will not fit a pizza box. Abby got me a superawesome automatic corkscrew. And a Pur water filter. And a bath mat. And a welcome mat from which I am learning many news ways to make people feel comfortable: Dobro Pozhalovat; Irashaimasu. I have a moth. He lives with me. I actually have not checked his sex, but I am assigning him male gender because he flies in many different directions without purpose. Also he likes lights.


Kathryn said...

when you sent me this picture i cried. and then i cried for the rest of the day and night. i am not saying this to make you feel bad. i'm just saying i miss you and am jealous of your new pretty office. and that possibly i am mentally unstable.

yesterday we had a wasp in the office and kevin went a 30 minute killing rampage. it was an event.

Megan said...

when your moth dies, please write an essay about it. you will join the ranks of woolf and dillard. you know what to call it. not that your moth is going to die.

Anonymous said...

My moth is going to live forever. I am sorry that I made you cry.

I want everyone to move here immediately. As soon as Abby leaves tomorrow, I am going to crumble. Crumble.

flabby-abby1973 said...

have you ever seen moth balls? how did you get his legs open!? you reminded me of that saucy old joke. i am depressed.

potato said...

I meant to send you some pornography to make the time pass. Or at least one of those toasters that also poaches an egg. Hang in there! I'm going to take Abby to Stargaze and we will send you photographs of the patrons. You will be glad that you're far, far away from there.