It is messing with my spelling. For example, I spelled it attitute in the title, and it took me several beats to recognize what was wrong. Also, it took me three tries on architecture in an article I was writing earlier today. I kept throwing another h in there: Architechture. And then I started thinking about how that could be the name of an architecture firm with some sort of proprietary technological tool.
But that was a particularly businesswomanly thought, so it made me sad to think it.
Plaxico. Plaxico plaxico plaxico. That is a football player's name. I think it is crazy awesome. I may change my name to Plaxica. Because I am a girl, so clearly I could not be named Plaxico. That is just too wild.
Also, I'm cranky. But then Kathy gave me hot chocolate so I feel slightly better. It is, however, lacking whipped cream. See? Bad attitude. Not even hot chocolate can make me truly happy.
i have a stomach ache. there is something wrong in the center of everything.
Heifers just asked me if I'm losing my mind. Maybe I am, Heifers, maybe I am.
once i said, "so and so makes me feel like i'm crazy" and jeffers said, "did you ever stop and think that maybe you are crazy?" he just likes to poke the mentally ill is all. omgwtfbbq.
This is just adding to the list of reasons why I don't like Jeff. Unless Jeff reads this, in which case I think Jeff's sneakers are gnarly.
you just dislike jeff because he told me to call you a grundle troll. he didn't mean it.
yeah, plaxico. or plexico. it sounds awesomely like tupperware. i love that dude.
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