As if poets aren’t insular and weird enough to begin with, now there’s an article praising a new contest system whereby some guy personally select poets who will win his contest, based on what they’ve published. Wow, revolutionary!
I’ve decided to open my own lame poetry contest. Send the lamest poem possible to: lamepoetry1979@gmail.com. I will also accept flash fiction, if accompanied by an appropriately lame cover letter that uses the word “craft” as a verb and a noun. In fact, your work should also be titled “Craft.” The winner will be someone I personally select as best and will be published on the blog. I will paypal the winner the current market rate of a can of PBR in at your local bar (not to exceed three dollars, dirty hipsters). Also, you will change your name to The Winner. Okay, go!
Update: If you are my friend, be sure to write I AM YOUR FRIEND in the subject line, in case I forget. If you are an attractive woman or a cat, be sure to include a photo.
k+ and I just entered your contest.
We are going to win.
if meghan doesn't post the results by tomorrow i am just going to announce us the winners and post our poem. i don't need a judge to tell me i'm awesome.
You are disqualified!
Meghan sure is a cruel master.
Okay fine, you're awesome. But still disqualified!
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