Friday, January 18, 2008

"ba-donk-a-donk butt!"

i shouted that today at work and then realized that my boss was on the phone. possibly with a client. the weird thing was that it wasn't in response to anything. everyone was working silently and then i just suddenly shouted "ba-donk-a-donk butt!" i don't know why.

if i was a character on television or in the movies, they would say i had tourettes. but everyone in real life knows that tourettes is more complex than its media caricature. however, i learned today that the compulsive need to shout things like "ba-donk-a-donk butt!" has a name. it is called coprolalia. coprolalia is "the uncontrolled, often obsessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders, such as tourette's syndrome."

also, venom literati corporate photographer neil kubath claims the greek translation of coprolalia is "feces mouth." he takes pictures of himself drinking pee, so i guess he would know.


TheNeez said...

I can tell you the three properties of a black hole. I can explain why time stops at the speed of light. I can memorize your credit card number and social security number before you can pay your bill.
But you drink piss once...

Anonymous said...

I still can't stop giggling about this. I know that those who suffer from coprolalia may not understand, or even take offense to, the amusement that those surrounding them take from their disease.

Megan said...

you said that a couple weeks ago in my car, too. and i think you said it once at ginger's. out of nowhere. you are a repeat offender, kathryn.