Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Pay Attention To Us, Dammit!

So, we wrote to Tao Lin to invite him to come to our book club discussion of Eeee Eeeee Eee, and he neither showed nor wrote back. I spent the entire evening glancing at the door.

Now it is time to force him to pay attention to us. How? With words, or course.

It's time for another exquisite corpse letter. I'll start:

Dear Tao Lin,

Our discussion of Eeee Eeeee Eee went way better than it would have if you had showed up. If you had been there, we all would have felt shy. So there.



Kathryn said...
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Kathryn said...

Dear Tao Lin,

Our discussion of Eeeee Eee Eeee went way better than it would have if you had showed (shown?) up. If you had been there, we would have felt shy.

Here are our conclusions:

1. The dolphin chapter was good
2. The Catcher in the Rye was good
3. Confusion Nachos are good
4. It's always better to sit outdoors
5. We are the man with down syndrome who wrote a letter to the dolphin and never received a response.
6. You are the dolphin

Anonymous said...

I wondered about showed vs. shown, too, and then remembered that shown isn't a real word. Is it?

Kathryn said...

According to dictionary.com shown is a word but now I think it's showed.

My lunch today was gross.

Anonymous said...

Deadline is 3:00 p.m.

My lunch gave me a tummy-ache. As did thinking about socializing with my arch-nemesis tonight.

Anonymous said...

Also, maybe it was slown that I was thinking of. As in, "Wow, the work load sure has slown down this summer."

Anonymous said...

Okay, since we're going to be writing him once a week anyway, I'm going to close this and have Kathy send it off (since I am myspace-dumb).

Here's the final:

Dear Tao Lin,

Our discussion of Eeeee Eee Eeee went way better than it would have if you had showed (shown?) up. If you had been there, we would have felt shy.

Here are our conclusions:

1. The dolphin chapter was good
2. The Catcher in the Rye was good
3. Confusion Nachos are good
4. It's always better to sit outdoors
5. We are the man with down syndrome who wrote a letter to the dolphin and never received a response.
6. You are the dolphin

Until next week!

We love you, Tao Lin.

Your friends,

Venom Literati

Kathryn said...

1. Things have slown down
2. I've never wroten prose

Venom Literati said...

whoops i left out sarah's "so there" portion of the letter. perhaps that should be the entire content of next week's letter.

Venom Literati said...

that was me kathy