Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tao Lin's superpower is being awesome.

In preparation for our foray into the world of graphic novels with The Watchmen, I think each of us should identify our superpower, and come up with a superhero name.

We will be able to use this information when we write to Alan Moore.

This is my superpower: I can take a lot of information and synthesize it quickly. I can also read really, really fast. Thus, I am The Librarian. (So, in direct opposition to tradition, my glasses are part of my costume, rather than part of my disguise.)

Abby is The Interruptor. This is useful when trying to deflect people from giving you news you don't want to hear, for example.

What are your powers, fellow Literati?


Kathryn said...

my super power is my alluring phone-sex-operator-like voice. i will be called The Voice. when villains try to attack us i will open my mouth and my voice will shoot out and wrap around them like a golden ribbon.

and when villains are aroused by The Voice they'll begin to tremble and shake and not be able to do anything evil because they are so aroused.

also The Voice will occasionally read poems and bedtime stories to villains to lure them to sleep.

The Voice's kryptonite is dry air and the common cold.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

My power is being kind of funny. My name will be Awkward Silence because no one really laughs, they just kind of look at each other and smile a little. Just long enough for me to surprise them with karate chops in their faces.

Megan said...

wow jack morgan, i really wish i'd thought of Awkward Silence. because it's awesome.

i think my power is my very-zen ability to shower even the most evil villains with love. because what is every villain's real underlying problem? they feel unloved, underloved, hated. (what is everyone's problem, really?)

i will shower every villain i meet in sugary yet sincere compliments, fresh-baked cookies, and expensive clothing and shoes--because villains are always poorly or blandly dressed, part of the low self esteem, i think.

i will send them little cards about how great they are. i will tell them they are so lovely they can change the world simply by being their original,unevil selves. i will brush their hair and bathe them and talk with them about their feelings and aspirations.

the voice and i can work in tandem on this one, i think. (via subliminal positive messaging buried deep in the sexy voice. cuz villains are certainly not going to listen to some cheesy, cookie-toting broad--they need to be sexed up, or asleep, or convinced they're about to have a 3some, before they begin the self-esteem immersion process)

Kathryn said...

hi jack, thanks for visiting. i am glad you are on our superhero team.

we need to think of a name for megan.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

I think it should be Lovernator.
She could also drown villains in honey.
Maybe everyone will just call her Honey for short then.

Anonymous said...

Ah! Ah! Now I feel jealous that everyone's superpower is cooler than mine. I want a better superpower!

How's this? I am Subtle Sabotage.

I quickly gain your trust by being really conscientious, and then I end up taking on too much and letting things fall through the cracks. This way, I could be a mole in supervillains' crime syndicates.

"It's time to wreak havoc! But wait! Where the hell's the solid gold Tank of Destruction? Repo'ed? What? But Sarah sends that check in like clockwork!"

That's still not very cool. Sigh.

Kathryn said...

i love the lovernator.

Megan said...

lovernator is good. to simplify things, i think i will have the power to make delicious baked goods/mixed drinks full of love and self-esteem.

for example, i could throw pies launch cream pies full of love at their villainous faces...or there is always the tequila sunrise of love, the gimlet of love, the jagerbomb of will be a secret powder i can put in things. like the date rape drug, only for good.

sarah, i dig the new power. and then name.