Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A rhapsody for Jack

Megan: Wow, I feel lately like everything I know I learned from Jack Morgan. I think he is, like, a guru or something. I heard he slept with Jorie Graham. Maybe that's how he became a guru.

Sarah: Jack Morgan is such a bad-ass. I heard that skull rings didn't even exist until he started wearing them. Sometimes I spend whole afternoons just googling his name over and over again.

Kathy: I heard that Jack Morgan invented the internet. Are Jack Morgan, Jorie Graham, Alan Moore and Tao Lin the same person?

Megan: And Einstein. And Martin Luther King. And Jon/Dr. Manhattan/God. And other geniuses. They are all the same, they are all one, and they are all Jack Morgan.

Kathy: Everyone on the internet is the same person.

Sarah: No, Jack Morgan is everyone you don't know who's probably cool. Jack Morgan is the guy wearing the intriguing jacket who smiles at you sidelong. Jack Morgan is the pretty lady who looks at you for a second too long.

Kathy: He's no fraggle.

Megan: He just makes me feel so SPECIAL. He should probably start his own cult. Maybe we
are part of his cult, and we're going to end up like the Manson girls--whatever they were called. But for Jackie, I would totally become a Manson girl, with pride.

Kathy: You guys are freaking me out.


Megan said...

"everyone on the internet is the same person" is so funny

Anonymous said...

Do you think Jack Morgan thinks we're all the same person?

Megan said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh that is funny. wait, we aren't all the same person, right? i'm scared. i think we kind of are.

Anonymous said...

We are one person with many heads.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

Wait. You guys aren't the same person?

You guys make me very happy today.
It was hard to make me happy today.
And you guys did it!

If you were on facebook, I would be your best friend.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

I would also steal you motorcycles so that we could cross the country on the Lincoln Highway.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

with Tony Creed skull rings

Kathryn said...

jack morgan is like one hundred fraggles in megan's pocket.

i don't know why i can't let this go.

Anonymous said...

Wait. Why do we have to be on facebook for you to steal us motorcycles?

Megan said...

can you steal us jewels while wearing the skullring? and if so, can i come along and learn from you? it is my ultimate career goal.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

You have to be big and burly for the scare factor to work in a smash and grab operations such as this.

There will be jewels in the eyes of your skull rings.

You don't have to be on facebook to get the motorcycles.

But I would like to have as many friends as Tao. I used to have more, but now he has almost three times as many.

I like to think that the quality of my friends is higher, though.

Kathryn said...

i am on facebook. i will be your friend. however, i do not understand facebook and do not know how to work it. you'll probably have to do all the work.

flabby-abby1973 said... Mom lives on the Lincoln Highway so we can stop in! She'll give us sandwiches on white bread and all the Lays potato chips we want. Jack..look out! She will flirt with you shamelessly!