Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To The Girls of Venom Literati

Dear Literati:

This blog has saved my life.

Whoa, Megan, that is effin' sad, you're saying. (Sorry, Kathy, I keep stealing 'effin' from you--it is totally yours.) This blog has saved your life? Your life must have been in the gutter, or in hell, or not existing.

That's right. All of the above. Correcto! I was hating my life more than saur kraut. And I REALLY hate saur kraut. Maybe my life was a pile of saur kraut.

The disconnect between me and other writers and thinkers has been eating my identity. But now, thanks to the advent of Venom Literati and our blog, I can feel my deadened, crudded-up synapses (picture the cruddy crud that accumulates on your car battery in winter) repairing themselves.

If all those suicidal writers from the 50s and 60s and before that had had blogs, I think they'd still be with us. I think if we blog we can live forever. And write good books that somebody will read someday. And feel peaceful without being inebriated. And become like Paris Hilton: famous for being famous.

"Girls of Venom Literati" should totally be a calendar. With really hot pictures of us READING and WRITING and pulling our hair out in frustration and drunkenly discussing "literature."

Anyway, you are great. And sexy. And smart.

The Lovernator


Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same way about Venom Literati.

I feel exactly the opposite way about sauerkraut.

I love all of you. Let's make the calendar this weekend. We should wear tweed.

Megan said...

i love the word tweed.