Has anyone else noticed that every patient on Grey's Anatomy seems to die? They stay around long enough to provide a plot parallel to the doctors' lives, and then, they die. Now that Addison's getting her own show on Thursday, more people are sure to kick the bucket. I would like to hear Kathy's opinion about this.
i don't watch grey's anatomy because the characters are all so whiny and melodramatic. and they kill people. and then they feel sorry for themselves because they accidentally killed someone.
also, it's on the same time as the office.
I watch them both on DVD. Grey's Anatomy has better haircuts than the Office. What happened to Jim's hair last season? I couldn't tell if that hair was on purpose or what.
I think Jim's hair is a nod to Tim's hair on the British Office. Also, if I were an actor, all I'd want to do is death scenes. Abby may disagree.
meghan, do you mean in the last episode where it was all spritzed up and foofy? otherwise, jim's hair is perfect. also, i am obsessed with rashida jones' pantsuits.
i only watch celebrity gossip and reality shows and the british office. what do i do at night? i want to be named rashida. rashida, with no last name, will be my new pen name.
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